71.3 F
West Bend

Amazing Ride for Alzheimer’s | Surviving the Everglades

February 5, 2021 – Homestead, FL – Pedaling the Florida Keys wrapped up with a brief visit to the Everglades.

Questions about two snake carcasses led me to Conservation Ranger Olivia and her answers confirming a Burmese Python really made me want to camp with the reptiles.

There was a smidge of anxiety and some false sightings of crocodiles… and some real ones.

I did take some precautions and set my tent zippers in the “high position” just in case there was a clever python in the mix.

The Everglades also featured some colorful foliage and hiking trails.

In an attempt to pedal 500 miles and share stories from the road I’m also throwing down a challenge to raise $10,000 for Alzheimer’s music and exercise programs at Cedar Community in West Bend; 100% of the money raised will go to Cedar Community so you will be able to see your donation at work.

Cedar Community is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization and is therefore supported solely by the gifts and contributions of friends like YOU. All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent of the law.

Checks made payable to “Cedar Community” with note “JUDY’S BIKE RIDE” can be mailed to: Cedar Community Philanthropy, 113 Cedar Ridge Dr., West Bend, WI 53095. You may also click here for a downloadable donor form. (In “additional comments” add the note “Judy’s Bike Ride”


CLICK HERE to donate securely online. (In “comments” section” add the note “Judy’s Bike Ride”)

Thank you note

Thanks to Lee and Sandy Stehling from Ace Canvas for kicking in the first $200. I’m currently working on a $10,000 match should the challenge goal be reached.
Thanks, also, in advance for your kindness and support; adventure suggestions are welcome on the 2021 tour of the Florida Keys.

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