July 16, 2018 – Washington County, WI – On June 28, 2018, Judy Steffes, longtime West Bend resident and editor of the Washington County Insider set out on her annual bicycle trek to raise funds for a cause that is near and dear to her heart – Alzheimer’s.
Steffes’s dad, Al Steffes, has been suffering from Alzheimer’s for some time now and she has witnessed firsthand how this life-changing disease not only affects the one who is stricken with it, but the families and caregivers as well. She started off her trip in Wisconsin and traveled through Upper Michigan, a portion of Canada, then back down through lower Michigan, taking the ferry back across Lake Michigan and then cycling home from Manitowoc.
This year Steffes’s goal was to raise $10,000 for a rickshaw bike (see photo below) for the residents at Samaritan Campus, 531 E. Washington St., West Bend. Unfortunately, due to a death in the family (a 30-year-old cousin passed away unexpectedly), Steffes had to cut her trip short by a few days.
At this time, Steffes has reached $6,000 of the $10,000 but is convinced the Washington County community and local businesses will find value in the presentation of a rickshaw bike to the local Samaritan Campus which will lend freedom and independence with the help of a bike “pilot” to those who are currently unable to ambulate or enjoy the ride outdoors. Rickshaw bikes have become increasingly popular as they provide avenues for creating friendships between the senior rider and his/her pilot, bringing about the joy of childhood memories and creating an environment that promotes healthy conversation.
If you’d like to help complete Steffes reach the final goal, even a small donation is helpful. Steffes states, “In my community, a simple goal of $4000 is extremely reachable and I believe we will hit the mark by Friday.”
Steffes was due to return this Thursday, July 19. Instead, she will be assisting family members for the upcoming funeral of her cousin.
Checks may be made out to “Samaritan Campus” and mailed to 531 E. Washington St., West Bend, WI 53095. Please place in MEMO: Judy’s Bike Tour. All donations are tax deductible, 501c3. FEIN: 396005754
Thank you to the local sponsors who have already lent their support through advertising this year’s Amazing Ride for Alzheimer’s: