27.4 F
West Bend

Amazing Ride for Alzheimer’s | Celebrating July 4

July 5, 2018 – Manistique, MI – I decorated my bike for the July 4 holiday and my new best friend Ritch threw in a splash of the Spirit of ‘76!

Ritch Branstrom, owner of adhocWORKshop, handcrafts giant works of art. A couple of birds that looked like they flew out of a Dr. Seuss book were the first thing that caught my attention.

Ritch is an engineering student turned artist and he has this fantastic ability to create raw-material art out of items cast off by others.

His pieces include discarded farm implements, old cowboy boots, and home appliances.

“When I open the door to my shop it’s like people get sucked into this vortex,” said Ritch.

The piece above is a giant lamp/chandelier. Can you identify what the pieces are from?

Ritch is the master of the Island of Misfit Toys and his talent is astounding.

Find more about Ritch at adhocWORKshop.com

On a side note: Made it 65.90 miles on July 4 from Escanaba, MI to Manistique, MI. The day was hot and even though Hwy 2 was busy with 65 mph traffic there was a generous shoulder and rumble strip.

Found an anomaly at one of the rest stops just outside of Manistique; it’s an odd creature that apparently makes its home in the U.P.

The attendant at the gas station laughed as a I snapped a couple photos. Anybody else seen one before? Can you name it?

Also entered Hiawatha National Forest. It’s beautiful with green forests on either side of the highway. The National Forest markers always remind me of The Flintstones.

The ‘Give a Hoot’ signs also bring back childhood memories and one segment in particular from Mad Men.


Thanks to the sponsors below for supporting this year’s tour including: Elm Grove Woman’s Club, Gruber Tool and Die, Horicon Bank, Alliance Services, American Commercial Real Estate, The Sign Shop and Pizza Ranch


American Commercial Real Estate


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