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Alligator found by kids in Long Lake in neighboring Fond Du Lac County; search is on for owner

July 6, 2022 – Campbellsport, WI – The search is on for the owner of an alligator that was found on July 1, 2022 swimming in Long Lake in Campbellsport, WI.

The animal has been identified as an American Alligator and measures between 18-24 inches long. It was captured by some kids in Long Lake on Friday, July 1 in the Fond du Lac County town of Osceola and posted on Pet FBI to potentially locate the owner.


Photo credit: J&R Aquatic Animal Rescue

“We found out that he was netted by some kids, who then turned it over to the Osceola Boat Patrol, who called the DNR, who contacted us,” said John Moyles, Director, J&R Aquatic Animal Rescue.

John Moyles, Director J&R, Aquatic Animal Rescue with alligator found in Long Lake Photo credit: J&R Aquatic Animal Rescue

The alligator was surrendered to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) who then contacted J&R Aquatic Animal Rescue in Menasha.

If the owner cannot be located, the alligator will be surrendered to an appropriate accredited sanctuary.

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