Oct. 14, 2018 – Allenton, WI – On Sunday, Oct. 14Â the St. Lawrence Fire Company and Allenton Fire Department are hosting their annual Fire Prevention Week Open House and Pancake Breakfast at the Allenton Fire Station.
Food will be served beginning at 8 a.m. and continue until noon. The event is co-sponsored by Allenton Subway and Hotcakes On The Go featuring Gehring’s Meat Market breakfast sausage.
The cost is $5 per person for all-you-can-eat pancakes.
With advance purchase tickets you can get a FREE 6” regular sub-sandwich from the Allenton Subway. Everyone attending has an opportunity to win door prizes, plus participate in some educational/fun activites.
New this year at the Open House will be “Hidden in Plain Sight” from the Washington County Heroin Task Force. The “bedroom” will be set up to simulate a teenager’s room with many hidden items that can be used for harmful behavior.
Only adults are allowed to see this very unique learning experience. In addition, parents will be able to deploy fire extinguishers on a real fire.
Youngsters will be able to participate in a scavenger hunt, Survive Alive House, meet Flash the Fire Dog, and much more.
Those wishing to attend can get advance sale tickets for the Annual Open House and Pancake Breakfast at Romie’s BP, Farmers Feed & Grain, Zuern Building Products, any St. Lawrence or Allenton Firefighter.