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Allenton Fire Department recognizes volunteers during annual awards banquet. By Ron Naab

March 10, 2017 – Allenton, WI – Recently the Allenton Volunteer Fire Department took time to honor a number of individuals at its 2016 Annual Appreciation and Awards Banquet.  The occasion was introduced in 1972 as a way to show the department’s appreciation to those that volunteer their time to help others as well as their significant others.

The George Moser Member of the Year Award was given to firefighter/EMT Eric Latter.  The George Moser Member of the Year Award is named after past chief George Moser.  Moser was the first recipient of a similar award in early 1970’s and served the department in many capacities including fire chief.  Eric is an active and dedicated member of the department  as evidenced by his service on many department committees and his attendance at classes that prepare him to better serve those that call upon the department.

A new recognition was announced this was the Paul C. Wolf Call of the Year Award.  This award was made possible through a donation by the late Deputy Chief Paul Wolf Family in honor of Paul’s dedication to serve his community as an emergency medical technician and chief officer of the Allenton Fire Department.  A review committee looked at a number of calls the department responded to.

Part of the criteria was the affect the responders had on a positive outcome of those needing help.  Crews from the department ambulance and engine responded to a motor vehicle accident on the evening of Sept. 14.  The accident was a single car crash at the Canadian National railroad crossing on County Road D in Washington County.  Other responding agencies were Kohlsville Fire Department, Theresa Ambulance, West Bend Fire-Rescue Intercept, Flight for Life Helicopter Ambulance and the Washington County Sheriff Office.  There were two patients, one seriously injured.

The end result was the young lady is completing her high school career and has been accepted into a college, all despite missing two months of school due to her injuries.

Those receiving the recognition are from the Ambulance crew: Jeremy Pfeifer, Eric Latter, Chris Sambolin, Nathan Groth, & Eric Osinski, along with the Engine crew.  The Engine crew consisted of Mark Steger, Bruce Ellis, Steve Konrath, Lonny Schellinger, Jay German and Mike Retzlaff.

The 2016 Chief’s Recognition Award was presented to Ann Naab.  Ann has been a vital supporter of the Allenton Fire Department since 1971.  She started by supporting the department serving food and refreshments at the monthly auctions held in the station, working at the picnic, supporting firefighters with food and drinks during long-term incidents. She has assisted her husband, Ron, with organizing and announcing the Annual Allenton Picnic Parade and has been very supportive of the Wisconsin State Firefighters Memorial.

The department recognized a number of members for years of service.

Most notable of the honorees were:

Steve Hart and Dan Wolf serving the department for 40 years.

Tony Feucht serving the department for 45 years.

Ray Wolf and Jerry Schellinger serving 50 years. (photo right)





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