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Allenton Fire Department receives grant | By Ron Naab

December 10, 2019 – Allenton, WI – On Monday evening, December 9, the Allenton Volunteer Fire Department accepted a $3,000 grant from Compeer Financial to help with purchase of rope and rope accessory equipment to help with the department Grain Rescue team.

Allenton Volunteer FD receives grant

Included in the equipment purchased were a pair of 300-foot lengths of rope, harness for fall protection, carabineers, and fall protection limiter devices.

Fall protection limiter devices will provide a tie-off with a locking device to prevent individuals from falling when working on an elevated area for rescue operations.

Compeer Financial specializes in agriculture and rural financing assistance and support. Representing Compeer Financial was Philip Binversie from the Fond du Lac office.

Deputy Chief Mark Steger stated, “We are very grateful to Compeer Financial for their support to allow us to expand our response equipment to be used in the event of someone becoming entrapped in grain-type products or high angle rescue.”

Allenton regularly participates in training for high level and below level rescue which includes being equipped with a coffer dam [the yellow tube-like item].

Pictured in the photo from left to right. Philip Binversie from Compeer Financial, Mark Steger-Deputy Chief of Operations, Ron Naab-Fire Instructor, Nate Groth-Lieutenant of Operations, John Breuer-Fire Chief, Jeremy Pfeifer-Deputy Chief of Logistics, and Ed Wolf-Captain of Operations.


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