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West Bend

Allan Kieckhafer receives United Way’s Nelson Volunteer Leadership Award

Allan Kieckhafer

Nov. 1, 2018 – West Bend, WI – United Way of Washington County presented Allan Kieckhafer with the Clifford A. and Elizabeth M. Nelson Volunteer Leadership Award at its annual Leadership Giving Reception on November 1.

United Way’s Volunteer Leadership Award was created to recognize an individual in Washington County who has demonstrated community leadership and a long-term commitment to volunteering. The award is named in honor of the late Cliff Nelson and his wife Betty, who are known for their outstanding volunteer efforts on behalf of human service, civic, and arts organizations. Each year, past Nelson Award winners nominate and select a new recipient.

“United Way has a legacy of bringing people together to improve lives and community conditions,” said Kristin Brandner, Executive Director of United Way of Washington County. “This award celebrates leaders in our community who do just that. It honors volunteers who have spent a lifetime giving their time and talents to make a lasting impact in Washington County.”

“Allan Kieckhafer is a dedicated and treasured member of this community,” Brandner said.  “His unwavering support of so many organizations and projects that are integral to Washington County is astounding.  Everyone on the selection committee felt that without his commitment and support, this community would not be what it is today.”

Kieckhafer is the oldest living United Way Campaign Chair.  In 1977, he was the first to achieve the $100,000 milestone for the annual fundraising drive.

As a proud Navy veteran, Kieckhafer has spent over 40 years as a member of the Memorial Day services committee for the City of West Bend, and has performed the role of Master of Ceremonies for many years.

Allan Kieckhafer shaking hands with a scout

Kieckhafer established Boy Scout Troop 780 at Fifth Avenue Methodist Church and continued working on behalf of the Boy Scouts for over 50 years as President of the Badger Boy Scout Council and a Trustee for the Bay Lakes Council.  He was awarded the Silver Beaver award for his outstanding service to the Boy Scouts.

Perhaps Kieckhafer’s most visible contribution can be found at the Museum of Wisconsin Art, where he served as a Board member and a major contributor to the new building, which includes the Jean and Allan Kieckhafer Gallery.

Additionally, he was instrumental in founding the University Ambassadors council at the University of Wisconsin in Washington County. He served as the Council President in 1975 and continues to act as an Ambassador at the campus.  Kieckhafer has also volunteered as an Ambassador and a member of the Executive Board for the West Bend area Chamber of Commerce.   He is an active member of the Noon Rotary Club of West Bend, and has received 10 Paul Harris awards for his support of the organization.

A life-long resident of West Bend, Kieckhafer spent 38 years at the West Bend Aluminum Company working in sales management.  “Allan has done so much for our community,” said Nancy Mehring, who worked with Kieckhafer at the West Bend Aluminum Company.  Mehring, a previous award recipient and member of the selection committee, stated that Kieckhafer was “always a gentleman, always dedicated, always kind.”

Cliff & Betty Nelson Photo provided by Duenkel Portrait Art
Cliff & Betty Nelson Photo provided by Duenkel Portrait Art

Kieckhafer joins past recipients of United Way’s Clifford A. & Elizabeth M. Nelson Volunteer Leadership Award:

2017 – Tom Hostad

2016 – John Duwell

2015 – Mike Bloedorn

2013 – Prudence Pick Hway

2012 – Elizabeth M. Nelson

2011 – Kevin Steiner

2010 – Nancie Heaps

2009 – John R. Dedrick

2008 – Andrew Gumm

2007 – Charlie & Gaytha Hillman

2006 – Robert Rolfs

2005 – Mo Josten

2004 – Ray Lipman

2003 – James W. Kieckhafer

2002 – Doug Ziegler

2001 – George Prescott

2000 – Thomas R. Bast

1999 – Rick Edwards

1998 – Jerry & Nancy Mehring

1997 – Sharon S. Ziegler

1996 – Vic Albiero

1995 – Bernard C. Ziegler

1994 – Helen Hillman

1993 – Judie Lewis

1992 – John B. Torinus, Jr.

1991 – John F. Rozek

1990 – Robert J. Steiner

1989 – Joan Pick

1988 – Clifford A. Nelson


About United Way of Washington County

Our mission is to improve lives and community conditions in measurable and lasting ways. United Way is a volunteer-driven organization that serves all communities in Washington County. It is governed by a board of community volunteers, dedicated to providing funding and community resources for health and human service needs in the areas of Education, Income Stability, and Health.

United Way

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