46.1 F
West Bend

Alcohol-related stops this weekend in Wash. Co.

 Washington County Sheriff

 Alcohol Related Accident

Deputies responded to the area of Hy 45 between Paradise and Pleasant Valley Road for a single vehicle roll-over crash Sunday evening at 10:19 pm.   The driver, a 21-year-old City of Milwaukee man, indicated he was almost struck by a merging vehicle from the Paradise on-ramp.  According to the driver, this caused him to enter the median and roll the vehicle over. He was not hurt. He was arrested for first offense OWI and had a BAC of .14.

Alcohol Related Accident

Deputies responded to the intersection of Hwy 175 and Hubertus Road on Sunday morning at 3:25 am for a single vehicle vs. electrical pole accident.  Wisconsin Energies also responded to the scene.  The driver, a 23-year-old Village of Germantown man, was arrested for operation while intoxicated 2nd offense.  He refused alcohol testing and a search warrant was subsequently obtained for a blood draw.   During his arrest, the driver repeatedly blamed the State of Wisconsin for his two drunk driving incidents because the drinking culture in the State of Wisconsin gives him no other choice but to drink. He was brought to the Jail after the professional medical blood draw.

Burglary in Village of Richfield

The Washington County Sheriff responded to the 4600 block of Pioneer Road on Friday at 5:09 pm for a burglary that occurred that day.  Responding deputies cleared the residence as the homeowner and his 2-month old daughter waited outside.  After it was determined the actor(s) were no longer at the home, deputies began to investigate and a detective also responded to the scene.  Several items of value are missing and it was determined that access was made through a locked rear garage service door.  Anyone who may have seen any suspicious activity in the area during that time frame is encouraged to contact the Washington County Sheriff’s Office at 262-335-4420.  One of the tactics suspects will routinely use is to approach a residence that appears to be unoccupied and knock on the front door.  If someone happens to answer they will make up some fictitious story about asking for directions or something similar and leave. If there is not an answer at the home, they will go around the back side and break in.   Although we do not know if that was the case in this specific investigation, homeowners should be aware of that tactic and call us if you sense something suspicious.  Any information you can note such as vehicle descriptions (make, model and license plate) or subject descriptions can be very helpful to responding deputies.

16-28806 Accident Personal Injury

The Sheriff’s Office responded to I41 southbound just north of Cty Tk D on Sunday at 9:33 am for a single vehicle rollover accident. The driver, a 30-year-old Wausau woman, advised that her vehicle had a minor alignment issue and pulled to the left.   On one occasion her vehicle entered the left gravel shoulder and she then over-corrected, causing her to lose control. The vehicle then entered the right ditch and overturned. She was not wearing her seatbelt and sustained some injuries as the vehicle rolled over.    Of interest is that she also had 4 pet snakes in the car that law enforcement contained.  Despite the driver’s repeated requests, rescue prudently declined to transport the snakes as they also knew the hospital would also refuse to accept them.   The deputy transported the snakes to the Humane Society and arrangements were later made to turn them over to a responsible party.  The driver was cited as a result of the accident.

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