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Activities during Fire Prevention Week in Allenton | By Ron Naab

Sept. 24, 2018 – Allenton, WI – The Allenton Volunteer Fire Department and St. Lawrence Fire Company have announced plans for their annual Pancake Breakfast and Open House in conjunction with Fire Prevention Week.

This year’s event will be Sunday, Oct. 14 from 8 a.m. to 12 noon at the Allenton Fire Station.

The focus for this year’s Fire Prevention Week is: Look, Listen, Learn; Be Aware; Fire can happen anywhere.

Fire Prevention Week is October 7 – 13.  It was designated to remember two of the largest, most tragic fires that occurred on the same day, Oct. 8, 1871.

The most notable fire was the Great Chicago Fire, however the most tragic, much larger fire was the Peshtigo, Wisconsin fire.

At the Peshtigo Fire Museum a horrible historic event is well documented in paintings, stories, and a mass grave of unidentifiable neighbors and families that were swept up in the deadliest fire in America on October 8, 1871.

The stories were horrific and graphic.


Fire Prevention week was designated in 1922.

The Pancake Breakfast is co-sponsored by the Allenton Subway and Hot Cakes on the Go.  The event has proven to be a very popular event for many ages.


Some of the activities will be a kids scavenger hunt, kids hose spraying at targets, tours of the fire trucks, Survive Alive House, meeting Flash the Fire Dog, and getting pictures taken with the State Farm Mini Truck [courtesy of Alan Jordan State Farm Agency].

Adults will be able to have fire extinguisher training, observe a side-by-side demonstration of a non-sprinkled room and a sprinkled room, check out the Hidden in Plain Sight Bedroom from the Washington County Prevention Network, bring in your fire extinguishers to be checked and much more.

In addition there will be a Pink Heals Fire Truck from Sheboygan County, many fire safety vendors, representatives from the Wisconsin Youth Camp for Burn Survivors, and the Heroin Task Force.








Tickets are $5 each for those over 6 years old and are available at—Zuern Building Products, Farmers Grain and Feed, Romie’s BP, or any Allenton or St. Lawrence firefighter.

With each advance purchase ticket is a coupon for a free 6” sub-sandwich at the Allenton Subway.

The Allenton Fire Station is located at 431 Railroad Street, across from Zuern Building Products.

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