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Absentee ballots mailed this week in Washington County

Washington Co., WI – Clerks across Washington County officially mailed absentee ballots this week for the August 9, 2022 partisan primary.

A couple key items to keep in mind:

This is a 2-sided ballot.  Remember to turn it over.

This is a partisan primary election which means you cannot cross over; you can only select one party and only vote in that one party. *See comment from Washington County Clerk Ashley Reichert regarding the Washington County Clerk of Circuit Court race. 

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A sample ballot is below. Click HERE to see the races on YOUR sample ballot

sample ballot


Below is a list of races by party preference for the August 9, 2022 Primary Election.


Washington County Clerk Ashley Reichert has a couple key reminders regarding the August 9, 2022 Partisan Primary Election.

  • This is a partisan primary so you have to select the party that you’re voting in.
  • The ballot layout starts with the Democratic Party in the upper left corner and then it goes to the Republican Party. The Republican Party races continue on the back of the ballot
  • The Washington County Clerk of Circuit Court race is the first contested race on the back side. It’s important people flip the ballot over if they are going to vote in the Republican primary.
  • Voters in the Libertarian Party primary have races on the back of the ballot along with the Constitution Party primary.
  • Only those selecting the Republican Party in this Primary Election will be able to vote for Clerk of Circuit Court.  You cannot cross over; you can only select one party and only vote it that one party primary.
  • No municipal clerk should have drop boxes available. If a drop box is built into the buildings, there should be signage saying ‘Do NOT place your absentee ballot in this drop box.’
  • Absentee ballots are accepted up until when the polls close on Election Day, August 9, 2022.
  • There are different versions of absentee ballots in Washington County. NOTE – there are 2 contested Republican assembly races:

Assembly District 59 – Ty Bodden vs. Vinny Egle

Assembly District 60 – Robert Brooks vs. Samuel Krieg

All voters should bring identification to the polls August 9, 2022.

American Commercial Real Estate



  1. You’re all way too lax on this.
    If you can’t get to the poles like the rest of the proles and stand in line its /just not that important/ and the fraud enablement vs your convenience math is rapidly failing.

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