48 F
West Bend

A1 Health & Fitness in West Bend, WI celebrates the winner of the Red-Carpet Challenge

West Bend, WI – A1 Health & Fitness in West Bend, Wi, is recognizing its members and their achievements this month, along with highlighting upcoming yoga and strength-training classes.
A hat tip to Derrick Schraufnagel the winner of the Red-Carpet Challenge. In four weeks, he lost 16 pounds and 6% body fat. The best part, he gained 2 pounds of muscle.


A1 Health & Fitness is so excited about Derrick’s success, the locally owned fitness facility is giving away 4 weeks (including classes and nutrition coaching) to the first person to message us. (new members only) Who wants to be like Derrick?


The 1000-pound Club features 3 lifts including: dead lift, bench press, and squat. If it were easy, everyone would do it.


A1 Health and Fitness is a facility focused on helping its members reach their goals. A1 Health and Fitness focuses on fitness, nutrition, and accountability so its clients can feel, perform and look their very best.

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