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A love story in Barton: Join us for Barton Day on Saturday, August 13



The Milwaukee River flowed quickly, pulling on the line as Hank stood mesmerized and lost in thought fishing off the bridge in Young America. A warm breeze moved through the opening in the trees.

A toothpick rested in the corner of his mouth. Hank repositioned it slowly with his tongue.

It was early morning and peaceful and Hank’s thoughts drifted to the hubbub going on in town as all of Barton was gearing up for Saturday’s annual Barton Day.

Vendors galore for Barton Day

The teapot on the stove had been whistling a solid minute and Essie was oblivious as she focused on the extensive list of vendors for Saturday’s Barton Day.

Essie danced her pencil nervously though her fingers as grandma shuffled into the kitchen. She turned off the stove as if it were just another summer morning in the duplex.

A quick-stepping Benny Goodman tuned jumped out of the radio and lit up the morning mood.

Grandma did a little jig as she crossed the floor to the cupboard and pulled down a coffee cup and saucer the color of light jade green.

Essie stewed and talked out loud – more so to herself than anyone in the room.

Laughing Mountain Popcorn is new,” said Essie putting a dark check mark by the name. “All in Books will have comics and cards and Choice Estate Sales will have vinyl records and board games.”

Essie tapped her head with the erasure as she filtered through the list.

“Paparazzi will have a table full of unique jewelry, Thirty-One Gifts is bringing bags and purses and Sandi Wells with Wildtree will have some fabulous cooking oils and spices.”

Grandma was peering over Essie’s shoulder. “You gonna have some breakfast with me hun,” asked grandma.

Essie gathered her papers and set them to the side.  Eating breakfast with grandma was a morning routine she cherished.

Grandma was sharp in the mornings.

Essie unscrewed the lid of a Kerr jar and scooped three prunes and put them in a small, shallow dish. The aroma of toast filled the room and grandma commented on the red cardinal that lit for a moment on the porch railing.

“Essie,” echoed a voice up the stairwell. There was a rattling knock on the screen door. “Essie are you up?”

Stacy Biertzer from C&C Business Management in Barton ran up the steps. “Do you have the master vendor list for Saturday,” asked Stacy as she opened the cupboard and grabbed a coffee cup and plate. “Is this homemade strawberry jam? Grandma did you enter this at the fair?”

Stacy was a whirlwind of energy. Fast talking, ponytail bouncing.

“We have 40 vendors on tap as it stands now for Barton Day,” said Stacy.  “Add in the live bands, the bakery from the church and the Landmark Campaign at St. Mary’s…. what am I missing?”

Essie and grandma didn’t even attempt an answer. Stacy looked briefly out the window and peered over the tree tops, catching a glimpse of Barton Avenue.

“Will you be at the final prep meeting later this week,” said Stacy, talking in Essie’s direction.

Essie nodded calmly and took a sip of tea.

“This is going to be the biggest Barton Day ever,” yelled Stacy, pumping her arms in the air as she hit the stairs. The screen door slamming marking her exit.

Grandma and Essie sat at the kitchen table. Essie reached for a small jar of marmalade that glistened yellow as a ray of sun slipped through the white lace curtains.

Barton Day – it was all anybody was thinking about and it was still five days away.


St. Mary’s Landmark campaign

It’s called the Landmark 160 Campaign as St. Mary’s Church in Barton raises funds to repair the historic church and steeple. The goal is $160,000 and “160” is also significant because September 2017 marks the parish’s 160th anniversary of its founding.


Other scheduled events for Barton Day include a variety of activities for the kids including a bounce house, face painting by Amanda Baker and Maverick Tattoos, super hero and princess characters, Joker’s 5 Pub & Grill will feature DJ Bob Bonenfant and a Bags Tournament, there will be a fish pond and St. Mary’s will host a Polka Mass and silent auction.

Watch for a full list of vendors to be rolled out throughout the coming week.
Build. Boost & Buy in Barton  – – Shop these local businesses

          Wisconsin House Woodworks

          Albiero Plumbing 

           Lake Lenwood Beach and Campground

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