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A love story in Barton: Barton Day is August 13


Essie stepped out on the back porch and took a deep breath of the cool morning air. It was refreshing and peaceful and about the only moment of serenity she would have for the next few weeks.


Barton Day was just around the corner and you could feel the buzz in the community.


The sound of a lone car drew closer as it rumbled down Main Street. Essie watched as Sandy arrived at the Barton Cafe. Another earlier riser.


“I’m going to have walking tacos and root beer floats,” said Sandy during a recent Barton Day committee meeting.  Planning for the annual celebration had taken months but Essie felt everybody in town was chipping in and this would probably be the best year ever.


The number of local businesses and vendors participating on Saturday, August 13 was over 30. Essie thought with music and sales and entertainment and food they’ve for sure be a big draw and be able to showoff all the great things about small town Barton.


During the week Deb at Over The Moon was a whirlwind of activity. “I’m going to  have 10% off everything in store,” she said. “Except the Moonglow jewelry and Barton items.”


Essie knew enough just to nod her head and follow marching orders.  She had a system for the sales inventory; she called her method ‘piles.’ She had piles of 50% off overstocks, scratch and dent piles and a pyramid of out-of-season items.


It was a lot to keep track of, but as she told Deb, “I’m not a dumb bunny, I’m a smart cookie.”


Barton Day vendor lineup

There are quite a few vendors who have already committed to Barton Day, August 13.


Vendors include: Amway, Arbonne, Arlene’s Creations, Barton Historical Society/Barton Roller Mill, C&C Business Mgmt LLC, Claudia G, Costco, Flowes & Gray LLC, Infinity Scarves, Isagenix, It Works, Jamberry, Joe Kards Caricatures, Laughing Mountain Gourmet Popcorn, L’Bri Pure & Natural, LuLa Roe, Maverick Tattoos & Jewelry, N’Dulge Salon & Spa, Norwex, Origami Owl, Ortlieb Leather Books, Pallet Wood Creations, Papparazzi Jewelry, Party Lite, Rita’s Jewelry Creations, Scentsy, Tastefully Simple, Thirty One Bags and Wildtree.


Anyone interested in participating can contact Stacy at info@hbba-inc.com


Let’s all go to the fair


Essie stewed a bit about which dress to wear to the County Fair.  She wanted to look her best but she was fully aware of the dusty conditions at the old fair grounds.


“Come on girl,” yelled Deb as she and Jeff pulled up in their Ford pickup. Essie leaned out the second-story window and gave a quick wave.


She skipped down the steps and jumped off the porch as the screen door slammed behind her.


“About face little lady,” said Deb as she brushed out a wrinkle in her dress. “Where are your grandma’s pickles?”


Essie spun on her heels and retraced her steps; double time.


Every year grandma entered her pickles in the fair and every year she got beat by her arch rival Ester Klein, who lived just up the block from St. Mary’s grotto in Barton.


Grandma made her pickles by the barrel.


Large quantities and small cucumbers – that was only thing Essie really knew about grandma’s secret family recipe.  Folks in Barton raved about grandma’s pickles and the ingredients were a hot topic as neighbors gossiped over the wash line and white picket fences.


There were a lot of trial-and-error copycats in town. The ladies from the card club experimented with garlic, cherry leaves or grape leaves, black peppercorns and alum.  The church ladies tested all-spice berries and bay leaves but nobody ever measured up.



Essie heard the low talkers at the fair as she signed off on grandma’s pickles. She eyed up the competition and sure ‘nuf there was a wide-mouth quart jar from Ester Klein and it was already tagged with a ribbon.


Essie rolled her eyes and said a prayer under her breath as she walked around the exhibition hall taking in handmade items like quilts and cakes and sugar cookies.




Across the fairgrounds, Hank was keeping an eye out for Essie. He had been sauntering around the animal building, checking out entries from the area. image5-3



His buddies were hanging out at the carnival. Hank ditched them at the shooting gallery. He only had a couple dollars in his pocket and he was saving it to take Essie on some rides…. maybe even win her a stuffed animal.


“You make a new friend there Hank,” cooed Essie as she snuck up behind him at the dairy barn.


Hank turned around and he could feel himself turning red. Essie was a smart aleck and so dang pretty he loved to walk beside her and couldn’t wait to spend the day with her at the county fair.




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Build. Boost & Buy in Barton  – – Shop these local businesses

          Wisconsin House Woodworks

          Albiero Plumbing

           Lake Lenwood Beach and Campground


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