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A fast start to the inaugural season for Washington County Girls’ Hockey | By Lori Schuster

Washington County Youth Hockey Ice Lynx
Nov. 12, 2018 – Washington Co., WI – It’s hard to believe only one short year ago history was being made. The brainchild of Amanda Katsma, hockey mom and coach, was to create girl’s hockey in Washington County. The first girls’ team, “The Ice Lynx” was started with an event dubbed, ‘Try hockey for free,’ followed by try a hard push from Katsma.

Washington County is now home to an 8U and 10U girl’s teams with the Washington County Youth Hockey Association WCYHA and hopes are high to growing the sport for girls.

The 10u girls had their first game on Saturday, Nov. 3 against the Waukesha Wolves a well-established team.






WCYHA girls did not disappoint. They showed us that although most have only been skating less than one year they can hang with experienced competitors.

The well-fought game ended in a 5 to 3 loss for the Ice Lynx, but you could see the girls develop as a team with each period giving them momentum to go into game two against Winter Club Saturday afternoon.

The Ice Lynx seemed to be on a mission and came off the bench ready to make a name for themselves.

With solid direction from Head Coach Meagan Sudik the team played as if they have been on ice together for years. The offense and defense both stepped up and the girls ended with a 6 to 3 win against Winter Club.

Game three of the weekend on Sunday morning against Fond Du Lac solidified the fact the girls are a force to be reckoned with.

Defensemen Bella Voss and Ava Twinning held off the Fond Du Lac team for the 7 to 1 win.

Ice Lynx, Cheyenne Mojica posted a Gettysburg (4 goals in one game) and Aly Schuster had a Hat Trick (3 goals in one game) and 1 assist.

Can’t wait to see what the year brings for these girls.

Contact Lori Schuster at icelynxwc@gmail.com for information on how your daughter can get involved.


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