71.1 F
West Bend

January 7 West Bend Plan Commission public hearing for No. 5 Kwik Trip postponed

January 7, 2020 – West Bend, WI – Kwik Trip has been removed from the agenda for the Tuesday, January 7 West Bend Plan Commission meeting.

City of West Bend logo

The 6:01 p.m. public hearing for a request for a conditional use permit to allow a gas station use at 1613 and 1637 W. Washington Street, by Leah Berlin Kwik Trip Inc. has been rescheduled and will be held at the February Plan Commission meeting instead.

City officials said the public hearing was postponed because there were a number of items Kwik Trip still needed to address and it would be easier to reschedule the meeting so all items could be discussed.

Kwik Trip will also be organizing a neighborhood meeting in the near future to answer questions from the community. Stay tuned.

Click HERE for a link to the rest of the Tuesday Plan Commission agenda. The meeting is held in the council chambers and is open to the public at City Hall.

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