71.1 F
West Bend

Centrum Building in downtown West Bend has been sold

August 30, 2019 – West Bend, WI – The Centrum Building, 120 N. Main Street, in West Bend has been sold.

Centrum Building

According to records in the City Assessor’s office the building sold August 19, 2019 for $1,250,000.

Records show Centrum Building LLC sold to Centrum Rentals LLC.

The property was last assessed at $1,593,900.

It was previously sold September 1, 2001 for $1,400,000.

There’s quite a bit of history to the Centrum Building. Do you remember what it was previously called? Click HERE for the answer and a photo of the majestic building.

Over the years there have been many tenants in the 3-story; below is a list from November 2006. How many do you remember?

Scroll down for a bonus question.

The building next door to the Centrum Building is currently Krimmer’s Restaurant. What were the names of the previous businesses in that location, 114 N. Main Street.

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