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West Bend

Frank Multerer retires as president of MBW, Inc. in Slinger | By Heather Hughes

Jan. 10, 2019 – Slinger, WI – MBW, Inc. in Slinger would like to announce the retirement of President Frank Multerer effective December 31, 2018. Anyone who knows Frank, understands that he didn’t necessarily intend to be running the company that his father Frank Sr. and Helmut Maass started.



In 1967, Frank was enrolled in the University of Wisconsin Law School and during summer break he intended to work in the factory at MBW, Inc. But two weeks in, Frank Sr. asked him to make a sales call in Cleveland. Frank sold four of the new vibratory plates to a new customer that day and by the end of August he decided to put off law school for a year and build up a little nest egg.

As Frank likes to point out, “he was introduced to commission.”

In 1972, Frank Sr. passed away and Frank took over the sales and administrative duties of the business. During that time Frank helped grow MBW’s footprint around the country, most notably …. Click HERE to read more about the career and retirement of Frank Multerer.


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