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West Bend

Man accused of passing counterfeit bills punches female Applebee’s employee in the head | By West Bend Police


Nov. 20, 2018 – West Bend, WI – On Sunday, Nov. 18, 2018 at 11:27 p.m., an employee of Applebee’s, 2510 W. Washington Street, reported two males were in the bar and purchased drinks with two counterfeit bills.

When staff from Applebee’s confronted the men about the fake money, one of the men punched the employee in the head twice causing her to lose consciousness. The man also spit on another employee as they were leaving the business.

A West Bend Officer located the men as they were getting into a vehicle and took one of the men, a 36-year-old from Milwaukee in to custody. The other male, 29,  from Milwaukee got into the vehicle and drove away.






The vehicle was followed by another responding officer. The driver drove behind Pick-n-Save North where it struck a curb and came to a stop. When the officer approached the driver, the officer observed signs the man was intoxicated.

He failed the standard field sobriety tests, blew a .205 in a PBT and was arrested for OWI.

The 29-year-old man was also arrested for Substantial Battery, Eluding an Officer, Forgery, Disorderly Conduct and Obstructing an Officer as he gave a fake name when he was arrested.

The 36-year-old was arrested for Forgery.


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