Nov. 4, 2018 – Washington Co., WI – Weasler Engineering in West Bend is paying tribute to Veterans Day by highlighting some of its employees who served in the military.
Teresa Adams served in the U.S. Army Reserves and was stationed in Milwaukee.
Corrine Miller served in the U.S. Army Reserves. She was stationed in Milwaukee and Kandahar, Afghanistan.
Chuck Steinert served in the U.S. Air Force and he served in Thailand and Vietnam.
Thanks to all the veterans who are working in locally-owned businesses in Washington County.
Click HERE to see other Weasler employees who served in the military.
On a side note: In an effort to do justice to a number of veterans at Weasler Engineering the names are being released throughout the week leading up to Veterans Day.
Also note, the veterans are choosing whether they would like to be recognized.
Make plans to attend Veterans Day program
Veterans Day is Sunday, Nov. 11 and the traditional Veterans Day program will be held “at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.”
On that day local veterans will gather at 10:45 a.m. at Veterans Plaza at Fifth Avenue and Poplar Street in West Bend.
At 10:55 a.m., a brief statement will be read followed by a moment of silence. At 11 a.m., the siren will sound and the West Bend Veterans Color Guard will fire the traditional three-round volley followed by the playing of Taps.