71.1 F
West Bend

Amazing Ride turns into Amazing Race

July 14, 2018 – Traverse City, MI – I received word late last night that a young cousin of mine has died.

We’re going to shift the tour a bit to a Plan B so I can get home to tie up loose ends and attend the service with my parents.

I’m leaving early today to log about 95 miles from Traverse City, MI to Ludington where I will catch the evening USS Badger, cross the lake to Manitowoc and then Sunday morning scoot about 70 miles into West Bend.

Who’s with me?

I do need to raise a bit more money for the Samaritan Campus.

I’m going to put up $100 each day as I challenge myself to get home in two days. I’d love for you to jump on board. Feel free to take a look at the tax-deductible donation details at the end of the article.

A note of thanks

A big shoutout to George from McLane bike shop in Traverse City for getting me back on the road again on Friday.

It was Friday the 13 and just outside Charlevoix my cable broke and I lost all my rear gears.

Basically that means my 21-speed turned into a 3-speed. I could keep moving forward, which was a good thing, but the hills were a bit of a challenge.

Anyway George made me a priority and showed me how to fix it if it would happen again. The next time I’d have to pack a couple more things… including George, in my back pocket.

Photos from the road

Absolutely loved the bike art in Charlevoix, MI.

This little gal selling lemonade just made my day. Her siblings had left her to supervise the store while they went out and posted signs.

She made more money while they were gone than they made the whole day and she’s only two. What a future.

Please consider making a donation to the Samaritan Campus as this year’s Amazing Ride for Alzheimer’s pedals to secure seniors at the facility a rickshaw so they can enjoy bicycling too.

Thanks to to all the sponsors including Horicon Bank, Pizza Ranch, Gruber Tool & Die, The Sign Shop, Alliance Services, American Services Real Estate.

American Commercial Real Estate
Horicon Bank



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