June 8, 2018 – Hartford, WI – The Hartford Plan Commission is going to meet Monday, June 11 and weigh in on a proposed LED sign at the entrance to the city.
The staff have reviewed a couple designs but they’re leaning towards a sign that incorporates brick and wood in a more modern sign that suggests architectural elements of the Jack Russell Memorial Library.
The sign placement would be 25 feet east of the DPW/Hartford Utility driveway and setback approximately 13 feet from the sidewalk in order to avoid an interceptor sanitary main.
Placement would be 710 W. Sumner Street.
The electronic message center would be 79 square feet and would be framed by a decorative stone base and columns as well as an arched metal scrollwork “Welcome to Hartford” framing the top of the sign.
The stones would be similar to that of many of the bridges that cross the Rubicon River in the City.
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