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West Bend

VIDEO | Hot topics and hot soup featured at the free lecture series at MPTC in West Bend

Washington Co., WI – Moraine Park Technical College will again host a free winter lecture series of important, timely topics at its West Bend campus.

“The Soup Series: Hot Topics. Cold Nights,” will include complimentary soup from a local vendor.

The lectures take place Thursdays from 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., February 8 to 22 in the West Bend campus’ auditorium. The line-up of topics and soups will be as follows:

Feb. 8: Gene Manipulation Breakthroughs in Cancer Research, with Baked Potato Soup from St. Joseph’s Hospital

In a lifetime, Americans have a 1 in 3 chance of being diagnosed with cancer. Mitchell Ledwith, a second year graduate research student in Dr. Andrew Mehle’s lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, shares the inside scoop on gene research at the university, and how mending a variety of genetic lesions could be impacting the fight against this disease.

Feb. 15: Sex Trafficking Awareness and Prevention, with Beer Cheese Soup from Riverside Brewery

Many think human trafficking is a problem for other countries and large cities, but human trafficking has been documented in all 72 Wisconsin counties. Local authorities will discuss the prevalence of sex trafficking in our area and share insights so parents and community members can protect loved ones. Speakers include Wendy Smith of Washington County Anti-Trafficking Advocates; Deacon Steve Przedpelski, the Executive Director Franciscan Peacemakers, as well as a member of Law Enforcement.

Feb. 22: Social Media Dangers, with soup from Moraine Park’s Campus Cafe

An estimated 72 percent of teens have online or social media profiles. Nearly half have public profiles viewable by almost anyone. Bobby Schotzko and Brian McAndrews from the West Bend Police Department, and Joe Desidierdo, an IT instructor from Moraine Park will discuss areas of risk as well as techniques to avoid threats and keep kids out of danger.

Moraine Park’s West Bend campus is located at 2151 N. Main Street. Contact the campus at 262-335-5713. For more information, click HERE.

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