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UPDATE | Milwaukee woman recovering after morning accident on I41

June 9, 2017 – Town of Polk, WI – On June 9, 2017 at 6:03 a.m. the Washington County Sheriff’s Office was notified of a single vehicle, rollover crash on I41 northbound approximately .2 miles south of Cedar Creek Road in the Town of Polk.

Personnel from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Slinger Police Department, Slinger Fire Department, and Lifestar Ambulance responded to the scene.

Upon arrival, rescuers located a severely damaged automobile down a steep embankment on the east side of I41. It was apparent the vehicle had rolled several times and came to rest after striking a tree.

The driver of the vehicle, a 50-year-old West Milwaukee woman, required extrication from her vehicle and was flown to Froedtert Hospital in Wauwatosa via Flight For Life. The operator’s injuries are believed to be non-life threatening.

An on-scene investigation revealed the following: The operator and sole occupant of the crashed vehicle was northbound on I41 in the left lane, when for an unknown reason(s), her vehicle gradually veered right and entered the east ditch line. The vehicle continued northbound in the ditch line and struck the back side of a metal guardrail. After striking the guard rail, the vehicle rolled several times down a steep embankment and struck a tree.

No other vehicles were involved in the crash and the operator was wearing her seatbelt. The operator was transported via ambulance to a nearby off-freeway location were Flight For Life had previously been staged.

The right lane of I41 in the area of the crash was closed for approximately 1.5 hours to facilitate rescue and clean up operations.

The exact cause of the crash is unknown at this time and matter remains under investigation by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office.

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