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West Bend

Real Wealth Weekly: Howe to protect your digital reputation with Sam Richter

Kewaskum, WI – You probably do some online research or crowdsourcing when searching for a new mechanic, hairstylist, or other kind of service.

So who is researching YOU?

Nowadays, people such as employers, landlords, college admissions officers and other important decision makers are learning about you online in addition to evaluating you in person.

What will they find?

Sam Richter, Sales Intelligence Specialist, explains why nothing you do online is private and what you can do to protect your digital reputation.

Next week: Inheritance Gone Wrong

Next Week's guestYou may be concerned about running out of money in retirement, but have you given any thought about what to do with the excess? Tune in as Financial Consultant Denise Appleby shares shocking stories of tax disasters that occurred when IRA beneficiaries weren’t properly designated, or when beneficiaries collected the funds without proper advice.

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