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West Bend

Names released in fatal accident in neighboring Sheboygan County By Bob Nelson

Feb. 5, 2017 – Town of Lyndon, WI – Sheboygan County Sheriff’s officials have released the names of those involved in a fatal one-vehicle rollover accident in the Town of Lyndon on Saturday afternoon.

Ryan Moyer, 31, of Adell was driving the vehicle on Blueberry Lane and Pheasant Valley Road when the crash occurred. He was pinned underneath the vehicle and died at the scene.

Flight for Life flew Nicholas TeBeest of Plymouth  to ThedaCare Regional Medical Center in Neenah with serious injuries.

Tyler Collins of Waldo was taken to Aurora Sheboygan Memorial Hospital with non-life threatening injuries. TeBeest and Collins are both 26 years old.

Speed and alcohol are believed to be factors in the accident. A 911 call reported the accident just before 4:30 p.m. 


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