Kewaskum, WI – On a history note – an historic home on Old Fond du Lac Road in Kewaskum, Wi. Should this home be protected or razed in Kewaskum, Wi?
The Backhaus Estate: The Backhaus family emigrated from Prussia to America in 1850 and purchased this 135-acre farm, parcel by parcel, from 1853-1864. They lived in an unfinished log cabin that has long since been replaced by this Victorian, 3-story cream city brick residence constructed in 1895 by Gottleib and Anistina’s son, Otto.
This farm was known as the Spring Hill Farm with Otto Backhaus noted as a breeder of Morgan horses, grade cattle, Shropshire sheep, and Chester White hogs. This fourth generation Backhaus family currently owns and lives in this house.
Landmark Commission Washington County Wisconsin.
According to neighbors in Kewaskum, “Growing up on that street, that was something people admired in Kewaskum and from other areas. People from all over would stop to take photos, because of its uniqueness. They remodeled that home and put many dollars into it too, to preserve it because it was so unique in design.”