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West Bend

Letter to the Editor | Voting ‘No’ on the $165 million (with interest) WBSD referendum | By Dan Krier

October 22, 2024 – West Bend, WI – I am writing in regard to the West Bend School district’s referenda for $165,000,000. My name is Dan Krier, and I have been a resident of West Bend most of my life and attended school here. My children attended public schools here as well. Over the years I have been very involved in the community including being on the Citizens Facility Advisory Committee in 2017 for the 2019 Referenda. Once again, in looking at the referenda I will be voting no and here is why.

Letter to the no

What is concerning to me is that just as in 2017, no one discusses how this will improve the slipping scores of our students. While buildings are certainly needed to house students and keep them safe and secure, they don’t directly affect the level of education. How about focus on that first and foremost.


As far as buildings, some of the most successful schools in the country are strong old buildings that have been updated, not replaced. In 2017 the security of the entrances was a dire concern. Unfortunately, while our district spent money to conform HS space to their liking, they did not sufficiently address those more alarming concerns and here we are again asking for money to do just that.

Therefore, how can we expect fiscal responsibility in regard to these referenda when there are so many concerns within. If we spend $165,000,000 and retire the use of 5 buildings, there is no guarantee the money gained with the leasing or sale of those buildings will be used to pay down the debt.

With much of the $165,000,000 being maintenance that should have been covered in the normal budget, that is a concern. I asked this question of the superintendent and was told that will be up to the school board. That is exactly how we ended up spending on liked projects over safety projects.


I absolutely don’t believe in basically throwing away buildings because some would rather have new. The Jackson school has been on referenda since 2007 and has been rejected each time but they keep bringing it back. The majority of Jackson elementary is a solid building. In 2017 the main concerns presented to us were there wasn’t enough room for expansion and even if there was, there is too much traffic around the school.

Also, the concern of the oldest part of the school that may have some issues to be addressed. They are proposing to construct the new school in a high traffic area by the community center. And on a parcel of land that is not of the shape or even large enough to satisfy what is expected of an efficient build and use of a new elementary school. In 2017, we even got the consultant to tell us that a clean 15 acres is recommended.


Over the years I have heard it all as to what buildings need to be replaced. A number of years back it was McLane that was absolutely uninhabitable. Since then, it was updated and is one of our best elementary schools. It is actually, the one my kids attended.

Back in 2009 It was Badger that absolutely needed to be replaced so they tore down the most solid part of the building and kept the least quality of build that now needs more updates. It took almost 6 months to demolish that old building. That is how solid it was. Your students were safe in that building as it was built around war time and was built like a fallout shelter.

Several of us at that time developed a plan to tear out the dropped ceilings and completely update the HVAC, electrical, etc., add elevators for ADA accessibility and even replace all of the windows for less than half of what was spent for the new part.

They wouldn’t even listen to us. Upon completion of the new build, we found that the new track wasn’t even the right length to host track events. And the parking and drive through for pickups? Well let’s just say neighbors are not happy with the cars all over the streets because of the lack of space. I see the same issue with the new design for Jackson. There are so many more discrepancies I see.


For those of you that don’t know me, I may not be an expert but I do have some experience in the building of educational structures. I was on the Steering Committee for the planning of, design of, construction of, and then the staffing, curriculum, and operation of the Applied Manufacturing Technology Center at MPTC when I was an instructor there.


Like I said, I will be voting NO as I would like to see a much more comprehensive plan that makes sense for the students and parents of this community.

Dan Krier

West Bend, Wi


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