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Letter to the Editor | Live streaming camera footage at ballot drop boxes | By Jody Geenen

September 26, 2024 – Washington Co., WI – If you’ve seen the 2022 documentary, “2000 Mules”, you have reason to be concerned about ballot drop-boxes during this crucial 2024 election for POTUS.  In an effort to try to combat potential fraud, Washington County Clerk Ashley Reichert (running for her third 4-year term), is proposing to have cameras on unmonitored ballot drop-boxes.  Anyone who read Sue True’s Election Integrity Initiative should recognize the idea (see VoteSueTrue.substack.com).  It would have been nice to have cameras on our drop-boxes during the 2020 election.

Letter to the Editor drop

However, unless Ashley Reichert also follows Sue True’s recommendation of live streaming the camera footage for public viewing, the cameras will simply “look good.”  Cameras can only be useful if people are watching the footage in real-time 24/7.

Furthermore, we need a procedure for reporting questionable incidents viewed in the footage for efficient and effective handling of the cheat.

Reach out to your County Board Supervisor because they are meeting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, 10/09/2024 to discuss and unfold the plan.


For those uneasy about live-streaming voters stuffing ballot boxes, the “secret ballot” would not be jeopardized because no one can see how the voter is voting.   Whereas at Central Count, absentee ballots have voter numbers written in the logbook and on the certified envelopes and ballots; and at polling locations on Election Day, observers can see and hear voters state their names and addresses.


Finally, please join me in electing SUE TRUE for Washington County Clerk, by  “writing-in”  her name on your ballot. Sue True is an analytic engineer skilled in spotting and solving vulnerabilities, which would help secure elections.  Another bonus is that, by law, ballots cast for registered write-in candidates require hand-counting of  “votes.”  Discrepancies between machine-generated totals of ballot images and hand-counted totals of ballots could flag manufacturer programming issues with voting machines.


Jody Geenen

West Bend, Wi


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  1. “Election Day” used to mean something.

    These days, with Early Voting, Absentee Voting, Mail-In Voting, and “Undocumented Workers” voting, voting is basically a free-for-all.

    There are literally 3rd world countries with more legitimate elections than the US!

    They say that Voter ID rules hurt African-Americans. I disagree, I think African-Americans are definitely smart enough to figure out how to get an ID, and show it at the polls!

    And why can’t we have paper ballots that are hand-counted?

    This ain’t rocket science, folks!

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