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Ashley Reichert to re-election as Washington County Clerk

April 18, 2024 – Washington Co., WIWashington County clerk Ashley Reichert will seek re-election.


“Over the last eight years, I have had the privilege of serving my community, and I am committed to continuing this work with the same passion and dedication I have always demonstrated,” said Reichert.

As a sixth-generation Washington County resident, Reichert stressed her role helping facilitate “efficient, transparent, and fair elections.”

During her tenure as County Clerk, Reichert has implemented initiatives to improve the efficiency and transparency of the electoral process including “in-house election programming and advocating at the State Capitol for common-sense election reforms.”

“Helping administer elections in the County is the most important aspect of what our team does in the Clerk’s Office and I believe we’ve fulfilled our commitment to the public for enhanced transparency and accountability during the last eight years,” Reichert said. “I am committed to continuing to serve the residents of Washington County with the same passion, integrity, and dedication that have guided me throughout my career.”

Reichert is married to Justin, and they share four children ranging from 2 to 19 years old. She is an active member of the Washington County Republican Party and Washington County Republican Party Women.

Reichert’s name will appear on the Partisan Primary: August 13, 2024 ballot.

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