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West Bend

VIDEO | Turn a car alternator into alternative energy the homemade way | By Robert D. Copeland of Mother Earth News

West Bend, WI – Maybe you reside on a boat, vacation in a remote cabin, or live off-grid like me. Or perhaps you’re just interested in lowering your energy bill. Either way, with a handful of inexpensive and easy-to-source materials, you can build a homemade wind generator, making electricity yours for the taking for as long as the wind is blowing.

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You’ll be able to use that energy to light up that storeroom, power your barn, or use a generator to keep all your vehicle batteries charged.

Electricity for my off-grid cabin comes from solar and wind power stored in a bank of four 6-volt golf cart batteries wired for a 12-volt system. A charge controller and battery minder keep my system from under- or overcharging. The whole shebang cost me less than $1,000, and I have lights, fans, a television and stereo, refrigeration, and a disco ball that goes up for special occasions.

Click HERE to read more about building your own wind turbine car alternator.

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Washington County Fair Park
September 16 – 17, 2023

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