March 9, 2023 – Germantown, Wi – Liberal PAC money pouring into Wisconsin to support Janet Protasiewicz and demonize Daniel Kelly for Supreme Court should give everyone pause. Presumably the PACs are promoting a woman who supports “the law” and “abortion rights.” But there are problems with that.
Protasiewicz has not said word-one about upholding our Constitution, the foremost job of a Justice. Rather than campaigning on how she’ll vote on ANY issue, she should confirm she’ll carefully review the constitutionality of all legislation brought before the court.
She believes that abortion is an important women’s health issue, yet liberals have total disregard for women by allowing transgender men in women’s locker rooms, bathrooms, sports, etc. Furthermore, liberals are unable to define a woman, and claim men can get pregnant. So how can ONE female issue be important when all others are not?
Per Pew Research, only 1.44% of women between the ages of 15 and 44 get abortions. That suggests an abortion “yes” vote is not what big-money PACs are buying. Abortion is the “dog whistle,” riling up voters into believing democracy and their rights are in peril.
It is Protasiewicz’s “no” votes PACs are buying – “nos” that will impact the entire state, including “no” to Voter ID, School Choice, Act 10, Right to Work, Parental Rights, cash bail, election integrity legislation, school curriculum transparency, and much more.
Daniel Kelly does not promise how he will vote on issues not yet before the court. He has repeatedly made his position clear — he will vote to uphold our Constitution – and that is exactly the job that is on the ballot.
So, on April 4, tell big-money, outside PACs that Wisconsin, our Constitution and our integrity are not for sale! Vote for Daniel Kelly for the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Jean L Merry
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