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West Bend

Allenton American Legion receives significant donation | By Ron Naab

Allenton, Wi – The Wreaths Across American Campaign being sponsored by the Allenton American Legion Fohl-Martin Post 483 is moving on target.  This year’s target is 800 wreaths. 

wreaths Legion

The post is current holding a drive to collect enough money to have a wreath at each of the veterans’ graves in the Allenton and Slinger area’s 18 cemeteries.

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Donations to the wreath campaign can be made in honor of a specific veteran or as a general donation.  Wreaths can be purchased for those graves at other cemeteries as well.

Property loss management

If a wreath needs to go to a cemetery other than the 18 listed, they can be ordered and picked up at the Allenton American Legion Post on Railroad Street starting at 9 am on Saturday, December 17.


The donation forms can be picked up at the following businesses—Romie’s BP, National Exchange Bank, Alma’s Café all in Allenton, and Schaefer’s Service Center in Slinger.

The forms and money need to be returned on or before December 6 to allow enough time to get the order in.  The wreaths day placement is December 18, at 9 a.m. there will be a coordinated effort at all 18 cemeteries to place the wreaths following a short ceremony by the lead person at the cemetery.

The 15 cemeteries include: Sacred Heart, Saints. Peter & Paul (Nenno), St. Anthony, St. Mathias (Nabob), St. John’s UCC (Town of Wayne), St. Peter Lutheran (Town of Wayne) and Zion Lutheran (Town of Wayne) in the Allenton area.

In Slinger cemeteries include Union, New and Old St. Peter’s, St. Paul’s, St. John, Rosenheimer, Cedar Creek, and Faith Cemeteries at the church and Ackerville.  The public is invited to assist in placing the wreaths at 9 a.m. on Saturday, December 18.  The post asks that those willing to help should be at the cemetery by 8:45 am.

West Bend Fleet Farm, Menasha Corporation-Hartford and Fire Suppression Systems have made some very generous donations to purchase wreaths.

Ron Naab, a member of the Allenton American Legion, advises that individuals and companies can donate by purchasing a wreath or wreaths by going to one of the outlets or contacting him at rjnaab@frontier.com or the Facebook page—Allenton American Legion Post 483.

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