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VIDEO | eBay offerings at St. Vincent de Paul in Jackson, WI

Jackson, WI – The Dig & Save Outlet for St. Vincent de Paul in Jackson, WI is the headquarters for the organization’s new eBay store.

The location is just west of Highway 45 and south of Highway 60 by the roundabout on Cedar Parkway.

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Mary Cochrane and Kelly Carlson manage the eBay outlet. “We have some really cool stuff coming in,” said Cochrane. “We figure out the value, take pictures of it and put it online.”

St. Vincent de Paul coworker Katie Cleary is pictured below rocking out with a guitar and amplifier listed on vinnies.com, the new St. Vincent de Paul of Washington County eBay site.


Cleary has been with SVDP for 7 years and works in the Craft / Home Décor department. She also helps on the loading dock when needed.

The URL where customers can purchase these items is at the new website, Vinnies.com

Alternatively, a large amount of our inventory is listed on the St. Vincent de Paul eBay site which can be found at https://www.ebay.com/usr/svdpwc


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