March 24, 2022 – Slinger, WI – At a time when there is great concern amongst parents, grandparents, patriots, conservatives, and citizens, regarding the destructive, anti-American, and socialist curriculums that are invading our schools, Slinger school district has a candidate who has been leading the battle in investigating areas where curriculums are vulnerable for these agendas, in informing the district of such concerns, and in presenting policies to prevent any present or future indoctrination.
Bill Brewer has faithfully attended Slinger school board meetings to encourage dialogue and curriculum transparency. He has hosted several community events to keep community members informed on the realities and the issues. He has investigated government programs such as the ESSR funds where there are often agendas attached. He has done the research and is not content to “rest on the laurels” of past district records, as many parents are concerned that these agendas such as CRT and SEL are increasingly seeping into classrooms covertly.
At a time when many parents and concerned citizens are meeting resistance from some local school boards in voicing their great concerns against some radical leftist agendas, Slinger school board candidate Bill Brewer formed a support group, Slinger United, to provide unified support to parents, grandparents and even teachers like myself who are concerned for what the DPI, NEA, universities, and state education unions are pushing teachers to teach. Many volunteer hours have been put in by concerned parents in looking below the surface of curriculums to expose any hidden damaging agendas. The laborious work continues under Bill’s leadership and the district’s cooperation.
As a retired teacher, I saw government intrusion and damaging curriculums invade our local schools many years ago in an effort to undermine parental values and remove their voices, input, and knowledge of hidden agendas. In the last decade, it has only gotten far worse.
Bill Brewer has the will and the dedication to attack these agendas head-on and pro-actively. I am grateful for his leadership and urge Slinger school district residents to vote for him on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, for the Slinger School Board. For more information visit and
Laurel Harmon
Slinger, WI
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