February 24, 2022 – West Bend, WI – After hearing what happened and was brought to light at Monday’s school board meeting, I am worried. I am worried for the safety of the children that attend any West Bend school.
I am worried that actions that happened will continue if administration doesn’t take action. I am worried for the aggressor, as he acted in a premeditated violent manner, and was only given a seven-day bus suspension.
This is unacceptable in so many ways. An example NEEDS to be made of the attacker, to show that the WBSD truly has a no tolerance policy around bullying. Being raised and brought up to being a man of conviction, being accountable for my actions, and taking responsibility, it is disgusting to know that administration failed on all of these. They failed the attacker, the victim, the victim’s parents, and have broken trust in the community. Where is the accountability? Is it ok for students to attack other students without punishment now?
We live in a time where teachers are afraid to punish kids, as the kids feel entitled, and the teachers want to avoid confrontation. Everyone avoids confrontation nowadays. I’m glad I’m not everyone.
Is it that hard for the WBSD to do the right thing and follow their policy? Why wasn’t the parent contacted? Why wasn’t the student examined? They sure like to follow other policies, why not this one? Does the WBSD get to pick and choose what policy they want to enforce? Does the school board allow administration to behave in such a way where a child is blatantly attacked multiple times and the administration is too afraid or ashamed to contact the parents? That’s what it seems to me!
This would appear to me as an SEL issue. Isn’t SEL supposed to prevent attacks like this? Isn’t SEL supposed to be teaching kids how to handle their emotions? Isn’t SEL supposed to teach kids it’s not ok to attack other students because their feelings were hurt? What is SEL teaching kids? Whatever it is doing, it clearly isn’t working. “
As a parent, how can I confidently send my children to school knowing an event like this occurred and the administration didn’t follow policy? When will the district hold its administrators and staff accountable? What sort of punishment will be handed down to those responsible for allowing these attacks to continue? Schools are supposed to provide students a SAFE environment to learn and succeed in.
Please visit the Washington County Insider page to see the video of the parents who spoke about this issue.
My next topic of concern involves declining enrollment and another potential tax levy increase to be voted upon by the West Bend School Board. It is no secret that the enrollment inside the WBSD is on the decline. At the same time, the school board wants to continually increase property taxes due to less and less government funding. I sent this email to all seven school board members:
I am writing you today in hopes to create change and provide some insight as a constituent of yours. As a recent first-time home buyer as of January, I’ve taken it upon myself to understand where every dollar of my mortgage payment is going and why. When I saw the proposed property tax bill for this year, it had increased from years prior. Why? Come to find out, the school board continues to vote “yes” on increasing the tax levy to cover for the districts wild spending.
To hear there is a declining enrollment rate, a possible increase in wages due to an all-time high in inflation, and the possibility for a vote to increase property taxes in the future, I’m confused. If enrollment is down, the budget would need to change accordingly, not on the side of increasing spending, but rather decreasing spending. It’s also troubling to hear of a potential tax levy increase when the district has received $4,075,805 from the ESSER grant! Why can’t any of that money be put towards lessening the burden of the taxpayers?
As a taxpayer, and parent to a student in the district, it’s incredibly frustrating knowing this school board doesn’t listen to my voice, as well as others, it is only heard. To hear, and to listen, are completely different words with completely different meanings. I listen to what is said at school board meetings, and the problems that need to be addressed are swept under the rug. Do your job! Step up, or step aside. Your job isn’t permanent, and you will be voted out if this nonsense continues.”
The West Bend School District received a government grant called ESSER, which totaled $4,075,805. The federal government didn’t provide “requirements” as to how this money should be spent, but rather “recommendations.” The difference between required and recommended is important here. Some of the recommendations included stricter Covid-19 mitigation, such as universal masking, a free testing site (which is located at the old Jackson Fire Department), and a student Covid-19 vaccine clinic. After speaking with superintendent Jennifer Wimmer in great length, she assured me none of the ESSER grant money would be used in the way recommended, which turned out to not be completely true.
Anytime the West Bend School District presents action item to the school board, more times than not, it gets a flawless 7-0 vote in favor of the action. As a taxpayer in the district, knowing that about half of our property tax bill goes towards the school district, I can’t sit here and remain quiet. I don’t enjoy paying taxes, as most of us don’t. I especially don’t like having to pay taxes when the money I pay is being spent inappropriately.
My last topic of discussion regards Covid-19 mitigation. At Monday’s school board meeting, Jennifer Wimmer stated in her superintendent report that the Covid-19 numbers are rapidly declining, and they will be “following” the local public health departments new policies regarding Covid-19.
I’ve gone in front of the school board numerous times, providing statistics showing how the students are not at severe risk of Covid-19, as the hospitalization rate, ICU rate, and death rate amongst children is so small. I’ve sent multiple emails to the school board members asking them to drop any and all Covid-19 mitigation policies.
We aren’t living in the times of March 2020 anymore. A “vaccine” is widely available for anyone who wants it, masks can still be worn if the child or parent feels necessary. I only got one response, and one face-to-face conversation with a school board member. We did have a good conversation, but our views varied drastically. They want to keep a Covid-19 mitigation policy in place through the end of the year “just in case” cases spike, or “just in case” a new variant presents itself, giving the presumption that fear mongering is still alive and well.
It is for these reasons I’ve stated that I strongly believe the West Bend School District School Board doesn’t know how to lead, isn’t interested in leading, and will only lead themselves to a 7-0 while they smile, crack jokes only they laugh at, and fake it till they make it. It is also for these reasons why I strongly support John Donaldson and Melanie Ehrgott for WBSD School board, as they don’t believe in increasing property taxes. They don’t believe students should have masks on their face in a learning environment. They believe students and administrators should be held accountable for their actions.
Bill Schulz
West Bend, WI
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