October 13, 2021 – Town of Erin, WI – Dear Washington County Board of Supervisors:
It has come to our attention that a Communications Tower has a proposed location near our newly purchased residential home lot. In fact, it would be directly adjacent to our lot. As a resident of the Town of Erin, I am against the development/construction of this tower for the following reasons:
We purchased this lot for the sheer beauty of what the Town of Erin is known for. The views of Holy Hill, luscious farmland, and just like in our back yard, an amazing mature tree line and landscape. Putting this tower in would obstruct such magnificent views not only for my family, but for other fellow residents. I purchased this lot to build my forever home with my family and to enjoy the property for a lifetime. A communications tower would negatively impact our property enjoyment.
My wife and I are concerned about the long term environmental and health concerns that this communications tower imposes. I am sure you are aware of the numerous studies surrounding these concerns. Not only would it be detrimental to my property and all wildlife, but I am extremely concerned for the dangers it presents for my two young boys. I want them to live long and healthy lives and the close proximity of this tower while they would be out enjoying the great outdoors could drastically change their quality of life.
As a father, my number one concern is the wellbeing of my children and I do not want any potential for them to be harmed when this can be easily prevented. There has to be a better location for this tower, one that is not as close to a residential area.
The effects of these types of towers for surrounding property values is extremely impactful. I am speaking for all surrounding residents even though this would have the greatest impact to my property. The intersection of HWY 83 and HWY O/167 is a well-traveled route by many. Think about the obstruction of views and thoughts that would occur by so many people on a daily basis if this tower was constructed at the proposed location.
Nathan, Raschelle, Cashton, & Lincoln Hall
Hartford (Town of Erin), WI
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