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West Bend

Citations could be issued following fights at West Bend High Schools

September 14, 2021 – West Bend, Wi – West Bend Police could be issuing disorderly conduct to the adults and teens involved in two separate fights at the West Bend High Schools on Monday, September 13, 2021.

Lieutenant Matt Rohlinger said the first call came in around 7:25 a.m. on Monday, September 13, 2021.

“Multiple squads arrived on scene including law enforcement from the Washington County Sheriff’s Department,” said Rohlinger.

“We’re looking at disorderly conduct for people involved; we’re still sorting things out,” he said.

Rohlinger clarified “disorderly conduct can be a referral or a jailable offense or a municipal court violation which would be a citation.”

The citation for disorderly conduct depends on the age of the person. “If we consider them an adult, and 17 is technically considered an adult, that would be $439 to start, but the juvenile citations for disorderly conduct are like $220.”

Rohlinger said it appears four people were involved.

“Of course, you’re in like a school setting or even like a tavern setting. Were they involved? Are they not involved? Are they just standing nearby? A lot of that’s being sorted out, but I’m being told they’re looking at four main actors.”

Rohlinger said there were two fights; one in the cafeteria and one outside. “The one in the cafeteria had four people the one outside; there were a few more but I don’t know how many,” he said.

“We just want to emphasize that it’s still under investigation. Nothing solidified right yet.”

West Bend School District logo

According to the West Bend School District: This morning (Monday, Sept. 13, 2021) students may have seen additional police officers at the building. Just before first hour, an altercation escalated from verbal to physical between less than five students in the West cafeteria.

There was also an incident in the parking lot that involved non-students. The administration and West Bend Police Department immediately responded and resolved that situation.
Students that fail to honor expected behavior expectations receive consequences from school administration and are sometimes referred to the West Bend Police Department.

Students involved in physical altercations are given strict school consequences and referrals are made to the West Bend Police Department.


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