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West Bend

Homeschooling event to feature author and speaker Michael Lane

West Bend, WI – A special event for homeschooled children will be coming to West Bend on Thursday, September 16, 2021, from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. as Young Hearts Seniors of Community Church of West Bend, 2005 S. Main Street, welcome Michael Lane.

Michael Lane

Lane has been the recipient of numerous prestigious state and national teaching awards and has been published in many professional journals.
“God’s Miraculous Creation” will be presented by guest speaker and author Michael Lane of Rhinelander, WI.

Lane has written two books on biblical archaeology, The Stones Bear Witness: An Archaeological Journey Through Israel and
More Stones Bear Witness: The Archaeology of Jerusalem.

He is currently working on a third book dealing with archaeology in Israel and has an upcoming book on Marine Biology in the Florida Keys and Bahamas coming out soon.

Lane launched a new ministry called Evidence4Faith in May of 2021. This is an apologetics ministry featuring Bible lessons and podcasts. He also serves as a traveling speaker speaking on the Bible, Science, History, and uses logic to defend Scripture.

Event coordinator Jessica Landers said, “The Designer of the universe has left us displays of His glory all throughout His creation. Michael Lane emphasizes these revelations through science and helps us learn more of God’s majesty as we see the intimate care and love in His handiwork.”

The presentation is also open to children of families who are looking into homeschooling in the near future. No childcare will be provided.

The event is free of charge.

TEXT RSVP to 920-212-0394 no later than September 10, 2021.

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