New signs went up along Highway 60 in Hartford on Friday morning telling semi drivers to disregard normal GPS directions and use the less congested Hwy 60 to North Wacker Drive or Hwy 60 to Independence Avenue routes to get to local industries.
Most GPS units will instruct drivers to turn north onto Main Street (Hwy 83) and then turn west on State Street to get to the Northern Industrial Parks in Hartford.
The resulting back up on Hwy 60 and Main is a major factor and the city and local businesses are urging the County to look at a Hwy 60 Northern Reliever Route.
Currently, the amount of traffic on Hwy 60 has surpassed the State DOT’s expectations for this corridor.
As Industrial Businesses like Broan-Nutone and Quad Graphics continue to grow, even more truck traffic will be expected to overpopulate this highway.
The new signs are the first attempt to relieve some of the heavy traffic on Main Street.