July 12, 2016My entire life, I have respected police officers, sheriff deputies and other law enforcement professionals. As a child, I looked up to them and as an adult I value their vital role in society.Their profession requires a certain amount of danger and risk which most of us do not encounter where we work. In the past I felt as though that risk was a known entity, that upon entering the public safety arena it was well known danger was part of the job. Those who could accept that risk went on to honorable careers. Those who could not, chose another field of work. I felt these men and women signed up for the job, knowing full well the risks involved.I felt that way until recently when the risks changed significantly. Unfortunately, it appears as though the new job description of a law enforcement officer must now include shouldering the burden of being labeled a racist, of having the worst in our society spew violent rhetoric toward them and, worst of all, they must now accept the role of being hunted down and murdered simply for wearing the uniform. Thank you to those who, in spite of this, continue to serve.Today’s societal condition reminds me of Vietnam Veterans coming home after serving our country. Many arrived and were welcomed with violence, spit and hate. Today, just as then we need strong leaders who have the dignity and grace to cut through political party affiliations and speak simply, as Americans. Fortunately, veterans have regained their rightful place as the best of the best and are revered and respected, just as they should be. That change took leadership.Once again, we find ourselves looking for leaders and what a shame it is to see those at the highest levels of government refusing to engage. It is not an accident President Obama cannot bring himself to condemn recent actions. It is not an accident national black leaders speak as members of a race and not as members of the world’s greatest nation. It is not an accident the Black Lives Matter organization does not speak of strengthening the family, promoting personal responsibility or championing change through education (Please see blacklivesmatter.com to view their agenda for yourselves).None of these are accidents, rather, they are an integral part of the lifeblood of the far left wing. Politicians supporting these motives cannot afford to allow black Americans to know the benefits of a unified family, to discover the value of a great education or the joy of financial freedom. President Obama, Candidate Clinton and the like know once a suppressed population is free it will embrace principles of a limited government and will have achieved the American Dream. The far left knows this would eliminate the need for politicians who rely on a depressed, vulnerable, and angry population for their very existence. Some will say it is unfortunate President Obama missed an opportunity to forever improve the lives of the black community. I say he intentionally chose the exact route he did based on personal gain and political motives at the expense of the very people who helped elect him.As Americans, our goal should be to help others realize they are intelligent and important members of society. All lives have meaning and our leaders should invest in teaching others how to push themselves to achieve their full potential thus breaking the cycle of what they, for generations, have known life to be. It is infinitely inspirational to hear stories of those who fought against incredible odds and now enjoy a life of self-sufficiency. To lead in this manner is not racist. To lead in this manner takes courage, courage our present day leaders don’t have.I am willing to respectfully debate dozens of topics with those whom I have political differences in order to strengthen my own beliefs and understand more fully the positions of others. However, I am unable to find any rational reason to debate the violent, racist and selfish movement supported by President Obama and Secretary Clinton. This support for racism only serves to re-segregate our country and undermine the progress made over the past decades.I ask the citizens of West Bend and Washington County to be courageous leaders and do two things. First, when you see a man or woman in uniform, sincerely thank them. Second, whether you view yourself to be on the right or left of the political spectrum, don’t fall victim to the narrative of hate.
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