September 11, 2020 – Washington Co., WI – Recently I have heard from a number of Conservatives/Republicans, having doubts about Pres. Trump. Very disturbing.
I do not like some of his tactics, verbiage and temperament. He is a “shoot-from-the-hip” type and can be blunt not mincing words.
His demeaner is bordering on I’itis. These traits can be annoying and rather unproductive. But he’s not a diplomate or politician, he’s all business accustomed to getting things done his way and that, my friends is working.
His successes are many such as the border wall, NAFTA rescinding and a new fair trade agreement. NATO allies paying their fair share. Holding Russia at bay. Cutting off China and brokering agreements such as Israel and UAE, all but destroying ISIS and bringing troops home.
During his term the economy rose to record heights and stock market hit an all-time high.
The list of course is incomplete and does leave out some unsuccessful attempts. But the point is he has done more in 4 years discounting the pandemic which Dem’s claim he did not solve fast enough.
Let’s look at the Liberal side. Joe Biden is the savior of the party along with Kamala. They tout the accomplishment of Joe. His reviving of the economy in 2008; was that his, really? I am convinced it was Obama’s which he went along with, during his Vice Presidency we heard little of his betterment of the country. He was afraid, (up to now) to debate Trump.
Biden has barely condemned the riots, looting, destruction of businesses which are another plus for the Dem’s claiming Trump has not done enough. They are not saying that the Democratic Governor’s refused the help.
His health plan is a plan to bankrupt America. To further the spending of non-existent money he wants open borders and health care and funding benefits for all. His leadership skills wane against Trump and his program will take us back to the oppressive Obama years.
It is imperative to vote for a proven leader that has brought this country to becoming a world leader again.
Kenneth F. Miller
Former President, Washington County Republican Party
Former County Board Chairman, Retired
Germantown, WI
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Good article!