August 28, 2020 – West Bend, WI – I recently took a look at a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center that came out the first week in August. It revealed why voters support either President Trump or Joe Biden.
The survey listed various important traits of a quality candidate such as leadership, policy positions and temperament. It also listed a few attributes independent of performance such as party affiliation.
A full 72% of those intending to vote for President Trump say they support him for quality-based reasons while 38% support him simply because he is Republican or for other undisclosed reasons. It is pretty powerful that a super-majority of supporters have clearly taken the time to research the President and recognize tangible job performance-based reasons for endorsing him.
Most startling to me, however, is the leading reason supporters of Joe Biden are choosing him as their candidate. He is not supported for what he has done, he is not supported for what he plans to do. He is not even supported for who he is. He is being supported for who he is not.
56% of Joe Biden’s support comes because he is not President Trump. To me, this means virtually anyone could be on the Democrat ticket in November and would get support of 56% of Democrat voters. This is a scary statistic that hopefully causes real concern to the American people and acts as a gut-check for Democrat supporters.
Not being President Trump may help Joe Biden get elected. Big deal. Once in office though, don’t we all want someone there whose supporters voted for them because they had great ideas, was a quality leader, and because they believe in the American people and values?
Electing a President because they are not someone else may feel good at first but is this really good for the United States? Ideally the candidate I support for valid reasons will win. If not, at a minimum, I’d like the candidate that does win to have support for who they are and what they plan to do and not be supported just because they are not someone else.
I understand there are those who do not support President Trump. If you feel that way, don’t vote for him. Similarly, if you don’t support Joe Biden for who he is, please don’t vote for him either. It is insulting to our Republic, our history, and is dangerous for all Americans.
Kraig K. Sadownikow
City of West Bend
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