August 9, 2020 – Germantown, WI – So, you can’t vote for President Trump because of the tone of his Tweets? But are you okay with how he put America back to work and our record low unemployment? And he is bringing jobs back from the COVID impact! How are your retirement accounts and investments doing? Even with the COVID hit to the market, aren’t they better than this time four years ago?
Has he lied to you? (“You can keep your doctor and your health plan!” – Barack Obama) (The Libyan embassy attack was “a spontaneous protest caused by an inflammatory video.” – Susan Rice)
He has gotten NATO countries to start paying their share of the costs for defending Europe. He has negotiated a new, FAIR trade deal with Canada and Mexico. He is the first president to stand up to China. Illegal border crossings have dropped dramatically, and he just signed an order preventing our citizens’ jobs from being given to lower-paid immigrants. He launched extensive cuts to taxes and regulations, spurring the economy to historic levels. Under his leadership, U.S. military forces defeated ISIS. Here at home, he supports law and order.
He closed U.S. borders as an early response to COVID-19 – AGAINST the recommendations of his advisors – and thus saved countless American lives. Yet Biden called him a racist and xenophobe for it.
To the liberal news media, the president can’t and hasn’t done one right thing in office. In fact, they called for his impeachment the day he was inaugurated, before he’d done anything! They have called him virtually every vile, divisive name in the dictionary because they disagree with or misrepresent EVERYTHING he says or does.
That same media tells us Trump is wrong for our country because of HIS tone? In November, let’s vote on actions and results, not tone!
Jean Merry
Germantown, WI
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