Madison, WI –State Senator Duey Stroebel (R – Cedarburg) issued the following statement regarding governor Tony Evers’ state-wide mask mandate:
“There is no new emergency. The Governor declared, and the Legislature did not interfere with, a full 60 day COVID emergency from March through May. If a Governor can declare multiple states of emergency for a single event, that is an astonishing grant of power to one man. The data on hospitalizations and the death rate do not justify this intrusion into personal, family and community affairs. The Governor wishing to pander to his liberal base, or scare voters before an election, does not justify circumventing the people’s representatives to achieve a policy he knows would not have the votes to become law.”
“The people of Wisconsin are smart, compassionate and full of common sense. They know when to take precautions for themselves or neighbors and when the hyper-literal enforcement of a universal rule written in Madison would be foolish. Tony Evers and his liberal supporters once again proposes a course of action to centralize power in Madison under the belief Wisconsinites can’t survive without Big Brother.”
“I call on my colleagues in the Legislature to convene as soon as possible to rescind this power grab.”
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“The people of Wisconsin are smart, compassionate and full of common sense. They know when to take precautions for themselves or neighbors and when the hyper-literal enforcement of a universal rule written in Madison would be foolish.”
If this is true, then why are there laws in place to prevent people from smoking cigarettes in closed public places?
Perhaps because people are not smart, compassionate and full of common sense? If they were, why did we need to write a law to prohibit it?