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9/11 tribute | By Tim Ramthun | Photos courtesy Roger Strack

September 11, 2021 – Kewaskum, WI – Twenty years ago, on 9/11, the modern world was shaken to its core by a series of terrorist attacks targeting the United States.

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2,977 innocent lives were lost in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and United Airlines Flight 93. Of the victims, at least five were from Wisconsin, and an additional 12 had ties to our state.

Their futures were taken by evil men looking to do harm and spread fear. Instead of cowering in fear, the American people responded with resilience and courage in the face of terror. We set aside our differences and truly united as a people.

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It is for all those reasons that it is so important for Americans to never forget the events of September 11, 2001, and the immediate aftermath. We mourned those who were taken from us and refused to bend to the whims of evil.

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The American spirit truly shined through the tragedy. I would highly recommend visiting the Wisconsin 9/11 Memorial, in Kewaskum.

It’s a beautiful tribute to the tragedy of that day, a fitting place to honor the innocent lives lost, and a reminder of the resilience of the American people.

We must never forget.


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