44.2 F
West Bend

84th annual Seidemann Family Reunion is today

July 16, 2017 – West Bend, WI – Today is the 84th annual Seidemann Friedrich Seidemann Family Reunion.  Friends and family will be celebrate their 164th year in the U.S.

Last there were just under 300 people at the reunion.

As always there will be games and contests and food and family and more food and family.


Eva Harvey, has a lifelong interest in the history of the every day will share her love by partaking in living history reenactments and demonstrations. Eva will be sharing laundry chores which included things like hauling water, soap, starch and bluing along with wringer, tubs and scrub boards are all tools of the trade.


We hope to have conversations about your laundry memories. These memories are the things one seldom finds in journals so we better catch them before they fly away like hankies on a windy day.


Photos courtesy the Seidemann family.

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