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West Bend

VIDEO | 8 Wildcat Wrestlers headed to State tournament in Madison

March 24, 2022 – There are 8 Wildcat wrestlers who qualified along with one alternate for the 2022 Wisconsin Wrestling Federation Youth Folkstyle State Championships held this Friday and Saturday, March 25 and 26 at the Alliant Center in Madison, WI.

This tournament brings together the top 24 wrestlers from 8 Districts around the State at each age / weight class.

The West Bend Wildcats is a youth wrestling club for children ages 4 through 8th grade. The club is run by volunteer coaches and a volunteer board with a focus on teaching the fundamentals of wrestling, building character and responsibility. 


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West Bend Wildcats head coach is Mark Blau. “They all worked very hard all season and really the end goal is to be here at the state championship; this is what it’s all about,” said Blau.
wrestling wildcats
Each wrestler that qualified for the State Championships earned 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in their respective District qualifying tournament.  The competition has a Boys division with over 1700 wrestlers participating and Girls division with 340 wrestlers participating.
Here are the West Bend Wildcats State Qualifiers:
First Name Last Name Birth Year Weight Class
Paxton Gish 2010 82
Cayden Rowley 2011 81
Carson Pizzino 2011 72
Colin Weber 2011 69
Blake Peters 2011 75
Joey Dent 2012 63
Layla King 2013 Girls – 65
Davis Rowley 2007 135
Blake Blau 2010 94 as “Alternate” – ie.
4th Place Qualifier Finish
** Note:  Paxton Gish and Blake Blau were not in picture
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