41.3 F
West Bend

7 year old from West Bend to receive legislative commendation today at school.

March 10, 2017 – West Bend, WI – Serenity Sunde is getting a little bit more time in the spotlight. Today the 7 year old will receive a legislative citation for her good work spotting a fire atop a West Bend car wash.
It was a story you read first at WashingtonCountyInsider.com
Serenity notified her uncle as they were driving by. When he failed to stop, Serenity began to cry as someone may be hurt.  Serenity’s uncle turned around, confirmed the fire, and assisted in putting it out before the fire department arrived.
For her quick thinking and willingness to assist her community, Senator Duey Stroebel and Representative Bob Gannon will present Serenity a legislative citation today at school at 12:30 p.m.
The citation serves as a thank you for her quick thinking and a reminder that even youngsters can aid their community – even when adults don’t listen.

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