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6th Annual Sunflower Challenge in Washington County; submit your photos today

Washington Co., WI – It’s that time of year when sunflowers are in full glory, and neighbors across Washington County are showing off their sky-high foliage for our 6th Annual Sunflower Challenge.


Washington County Insider 6th Annual Sunflower Challenge

This picture, sent in by Pete Fanning of Hartford, WI, was taken on August 6, 2022, at Shimon Sunflower Farm in Slinger. How many shades of yellow do you see?

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SUNFLOWER FACT: The current world record for the tallest sunflower was set in 2014, at a towering 30 feet, 1 inch, grown by Hans-Peter Schiffer in Germany. Vanderlinden, Colleen, June 2022, The Spruce, https://www.thespruce.com/fun-facts-about-sunflowers-3972329 Accessed September 16, 2022


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